Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Day 16 Dare!

I feel like I've used exclamation marks more this month than ever before in my life! (see, there's another one! (and another!)) Perhaps it is just the excitement of NaNoWriMo, or the number of times I wish another writer good luck on their writing. Does being positive and encouraging require exclamation marks?

I did not reach the halfway point last night. I first made the mistake of turning on the television for a few minutes, and got trapped into watching As Good as it Gets...again. My computer was also moving very slowly last night. Doing one of those ridiculous 'waiting until I've typed 10 words to allow them to appear and tell me I've misspelled all the words in part do the computer lagging and not recognizing every keystroke' dances. I was frustrated, and I was tired. I let it all get to me. I even stopped 10 minutes before midnight knowing I was too far away to reach the goal of the day.

That is what I call a low point.

The good news is I'm back again for another day! (There it is again! (Does blogging require exclamation marks?)) I'm starting a bit earlier tonight, so hopefully I can catch back up or at the least get the 1,667 for the day.

Today's dare comes from the Mystery Dares thread:


Include this twist on the angel of mercy type killer: Killer targets people who are the cause of suffering rather than those who suffer.

BP - killer was once a bully or other cause of suffering in others.

DBP - The killer decides those of wealth cause others suffering.

TBP - If the killer is filthy rich.

QBP - Killer realizes he is a living inconsistency in his mission, decides to kill himself , and fails.

Infinite points - If the killer, having failed in his suicide attempt, is then murdered by someone unrelated to his own killing spree. (An opening for a whole new novel!)

--posted by stepensdemise

I could use this as an interesting side story. This is one of those frustrating times when I've come across something that I feel could be its own story easily. I'll try to use it, but if it doesn't work in revision it may very well become its own story. Another notable dare that I saw, but wasn't the most recent, involved cute zombie plant eating animals. Perhaps it is my love of Monty Python, but I think zombie bunnies attacking would be terrific. (Should it be comedy or horror? I feel like it could work either way.) I'll bookmark the cute bunnies for something later. Or, possibly, I might at them when I run out of ideas in this novel.

For now, I better get writing!

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