Friday, November 25, 2011

I did it!

Today I wrote 4,561 words. That puts me over 50,000! That feels pretty amazing! I'm pretty sure this is the earliest I've hit that mark in the month.

What now? (you might ask) Well, there are still 5 days left in the month. I am not finished with the novel (to have it feel really finished, I'm not even close). This has happened the last couple of years. I write so much to get to the ending I hit the 50K mark before the ending is written. This surprised me a little this year, as I thought my skipping ahead would lead to me getting right to the ending and then going back to flesh out the earlier stuff. That didn't seem to happen. In addition to needing an ending,  I also still have dares left to fit in.

Here is my plan:

  • Tomorrow, no writing. (this due to a very busy schedule, not because I hit 50K)
  • Sunday, try writing the very end in a hasty fashion to at least have an ending of some kind. 
  • Additionally, try fitting in those leftover dares! 
There is a lot more I want to say about the 50,000 mark, but I'm tired, have an early start tomorrow, and have typed a lot of words today so I will have to save that for another time. 

To those of you that have crossed the line before me or with me, congratulations! 

To those of you still left to get your 50,000, there is still plenty of time. So, you better get writing! (see you at the finish line soon!)

Day 25

I'm having a lot of time getting motivated lately. Perhaps it is the lead I have on my goal. Perhaps it is the lack of certainty I have about what I'm writing at this point. I definitely think I'm going to try to cut to the end, and make do with it as best I can today. I am currently at 45,888 words so I am very near the end. I just need to push through my current malaise and get some words written. (point of interest, I wrote this part 2 hours ago. Get away from me malaise!)

I went to the Humor, Satire, & Parody forum for dares, but alas, there weren't any new ones. There were a number of people taking older dares, though. I've decided to go back to the most recent dare before the one I took last time, which is:
Have a Character Say "Why YOU-"
* If the character is overweight and male (or male-ish)
** The character reaches out to strangle the person
*** The character accidentally kills the person.
**** The character is supposed to be really good or graceful.
***** The person killed was supposed to be the hero of everyone.

Now I'll have a Homer Simpson impersonation added to the book. I suppose, as far as additions, this one will be fairly easy, I'll try to make sure to include it today. I'll also try to do a post before going to bed tonight, as tomorrow I will be busy most of the day and I'm not sure if I'll have time. With that in mind, I better get writing!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Day 24

Also known as Thanksgiving this year. Happy Thanksgiving to all those in or from the United States!

This is one of those times of the year that it is difficult living overseas. In South Korea they have a holiday called Chuseok that they celebrate a little earlier in the year that they equate to being the same. However, for me, it isn't. It is the odd combining in the calendar of getting days off that mean nothing to me, and then having to work other days like Thanksgiving that should be special. Many times, like today, I've spent the special days doing nothing special, and likewise for the Korean holidays as they aren't special for me. I'm not trying to whine, or complain, it's just something I noticed today, as I barely even realized today was Thanksgiving. There's a lot more I could say about this, but I need to get back to my novel today. Perhaps in a later blog.

Today, I must continue on! I struggled yesterday, and only wrote about 1,200 words. I'm also not sure exactly where to start today, so I've been dragging my fingers a little. (dragging my feet would only prevent me from getting to the computer, but my time on youtube and facebook prove that wasn't the case)

My dare for today comes from the Romance Dares thread. The_Word_Fairy posted:

*** A main character is forced to join a band of terrorists or a gang and they are part of a scheme to assassinate an important figure .....and they are in love with the person they have been scheming to assassinate
BP if they knew who the person they were scheming to assassinate was before the assassination attempt
TBP if they actually go through with the assassination

Oh dear! That means I need to add someone important, and to get the extra points I will need to add a backstory as well. Hmmm....well, maybe that should be my starting point tonight. Better get writing!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Day 23

Ahh! After tonight, there will only be one week left of NaNoWriMo. This is the point when people start to think about how their lives will be after the month is over. Many will be glad to have time to get back to the things they wanted to do all month. Some people in the forums were mentioning Skyrim, the new Elder Scrolls game. Others were warning that the game was so addictive and good that they blamed it for the reason they were behind this year. There is also that, not as exciting, realization that there are things like laundry, dishes, and other various chores to catch up on.

What will your December 1st be like?

Today's dare comes from the Mystery Dares thread. stepensdemise posted:
The Traveling Shovel Of Death. (Had to)

A sport's team's mascot is a suicide bomber.

Poisoned Twinkies (on the store shelves, like the Tylenol scare - forgot when it happened)

The Detective is being shadowed by a reality forensic show's crew while trying to work the case. (BP if he accidently delivers them into the hands of the killer and the last minutes of their lives are accidentally broadcast on Live TV)

That's all I have at the moment.

There is a bit of history to that first one, which is the one I will definitely be taking. Check out the WikiWriMo  for a bit of fun trivia about The Traveling Shovel of Death!

The others could be fun, but I'm running out of time, and there are still so many dares to fill! Better get writing!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Day 22 dare!

I posted earlier tonight about how I'm feeling at the moment, and about this time of NaNoWriMo. It's really an exciting time, if you didn't read that post, I recommend hitting the older posts link to read it.

Word count: 42,131
Dares taken: 22 (officially)
Sleepiness: very
Busy factor: very
Sanity: surprisingly good!

I haven't gotten all the dares in to the novel yet, so I will really need to keep focused on getting them in soon. That may be when the sanity level drops a bit. I am ahead on word count, and that feels great! I looked at some profiles today, annoyed with people at 38,000 words. That was until I realized I was actually ahead of them. My mind is still in that catching up mode, I guess. Last night I wrote the 1,667 for the day, but it was so close to a rounder number for the total which pushed me to keep going. I noticed my count for the day was close to a better number, so I kept going for that. That left me with a very happy 2,000 words yesterday.

Today's dare comes from Mnemophage in the Horror & Supernatural dares thread:

Dare: have someone die in a way that has absolutely nothing to do with your main creatures. 

Bonus: If it's a 'natural' death, ie: heart attack after desperately fleeing for life.

Double bonus points: If the red herring screws up exposition or the plans of your main characters.

I wouldn't mind having someone die of a cause other than some creatures I create. That is just another way to keep things going. The second part is also possible. The third...well, I don't have a red herring at the moment so I don't think I will get to that one soon if at all.

It's getting late now, as I had to write this twice. Google Chrome, why is it when you say you've crashed and I tell you not to shut down, you do anyway? That is a story for another time, I suppose. I have to stick to my current novel. Better get writing!

Nearing the end

I will admit, I am feeling pretty good today. I was able to write another 2,000 words last night, so I am now less than 8,000 words away from my goal of 50,000!!! Again, that feels pretty good. I don't want to say that I am confident that I can make it, as I don't want to jinx my luck, but I do like my odds at this point.

I am far from being the best. Some amazing people finish in a few days. Some have over 100,000 words at this point. That is just astounding! The people I really want to write a short passage today are those that come from behind. I've been there, I've been behind. I'm pretty good about keeping close to the goal, though. The writing buddies I've had in the past have pulled off some outstanding last minute rushes to win. With a little over a week away, this is the time when I start to see it happen. This is also the time of the month when the laggers are feeling the most down, and the overachievers work hard to encourage and rejuvenate some life back into them! This is one of the most positive times of the NaNoWriMo event every year, as some have passed the goal line, others see it close at hand, and many that are far from seeing the 50,000 mark find some new energy to make an all out sprint to see if they can make it. I usually say that the beginning is the most exciting part, but that's because I forget about this point in the race.

This is it for me. I will be excited when I cross the 50,000 line, and even more excited when I get my word count validated and download the winner certificate. The thing is, though, I was actually more excited a couple years ago when a writing buddy I met on the NaNoWriMo website made it across that line. I had been encouraging him throughout the month, telling him he could make it, then he made an amazing run at the end to actually get the 50,000 words that month. He thanked me personally in a message, and then created a thread for people to thank those who had helped encourage them that month. In that first post he made sure to thank me. I actually felt better about helping others achieve their goals than I did about my own. I think that is one of the most treasured things I learned about writing from NaNoWriMo, that writing doesn't have to be a solitary adventure. Working together...helping each other, can help make writing a much easier, fun, and rewarding world to be in.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Day 21!

Well, with only a couple of hours to write, I certainly won't have a day like yesterday. My goal today is just to see how many words I can get in a couple of hours. I hope to get the standard 1,667 to keep the lead ahead of the goal that I have now. I am also going to writing about the ninja cows, so that should help!

Today's dare of the day comes from Archon_Huskie in the Fantasy Dares thread:

Here is my Dare for all of you.

I dare you to have you novel pass the Alison Bechdel Test.
1) You must have two named female characters.
2) They must have a conversation with each other
3) It must be about something other than a man (doesn't matter if it is a lover, brother, or king). 

That is all.

That is something interesting. I have just procrastinated looking into that idea. I'll help you out by having you watch a short video here. Knowing that I need to get more women into my stories, especially in stronger roles is something that I know I need to work on. This dare is good for me, and will help push me a bit out of my comfort zone.  It's not that I don't want a more feminine influence to my stories, it's just that I'm a man. Writing for men is more comfortable for me. I fear that spending a lot of time on female characters will just reveal how inadequately I understand women, or how they think. I fear that the feminists might be harder on me if I write women badly, than if I just didn't focus on them. On the other hand, risks are good in writing, right?

As far as tips on writing go, there is a great entry identifying 50 blogs helping people through NaNoWriMo. You can read that here. You could also visit my friend Chazley's blog, which is mentioned in that entry. I also want to thank my friend Eamon, who has been sending me articles about getting through the rough patches of writing this month.

One of the worst patches is procrastination. I better stop writing and start writing!

Wait...that was awkward, perhaps there's a better way.

Better stop blogging and start writing! (not perfect, but it will have to do for now. I have 1667 to write today!)

Sunday, November 20, 2011


That is the number of words I've written today. 8,436!!!! I am really proud of that number, as I am sure that is the most I've written in one day. I wonder how high the number would be if I included the blog and emails I sent while taking a break from the novel.

This number is especially nice as it allowed me to hit my weekend goal of passing the 40,000 word mark! Less than 10,000 to go now.

Time for bed! (that is, of course, assuming I can sleep after all this excitement (really, I think my eyes are so tired from staring at the screen all day that won't be a problem))

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Day 20!

I finished yesterday with 31,679 words which meant that I was caught up. I did a happy dance before going to bed last night. Today, I started writing a couple of hours ago and have reached 33,755 words. That is great, because that means I have already gotten my day's word goal accomplished. It is also great because I now have the opportunity to get a bit ahead. That is important as I know next Saturday I won't have time to write, so I need to be a bit ahead to allow for that. I also have a lot of paperwork to do this week, so I'll be pushing to get both done at the same time.

The skipping around has helped a lot. This is because instead of sticking with a scene until it is really finished, or setting up a scene properly, I started skipping to what I think will be the most interesting parts. That interest keeps the words flowing. I've also started setting the timer during my breaks, not just for the writing time. That has really helped me focus back on to the writing when I'd be tempted to sit back and be entertained.

Today's dare comes from the Adventures forum. There were no recent posts, so I returned to the beginning of the thread, and will take the first dare. It was actually an example left by a moderator, but I will take it all the same. Dragonchilde posted:
* - introduce a character who forgot a vital eating utensil (say, a fork)
** - meet up with an indigenous group of peoples who have said eating utensil
*** - who then throw your character in prison for not possessing said eating utensil

I guess that means I'll have to throw in an indigenous group at some stage. Perhaps today. What could my characters be missing? Fork, spoon, chopsticks? I know my characters have knives, so it will need to be something different.

Thanks to all that have been reading this blog. That goes especially to those that take time to comment and those taking time from your writing to read. It really helps to encourage me to write, knowing that others are taking the time to read.

My alarm will go off soon, so I'll end this here for now and head off to do some writing!


As a bonus for having missed a day of blogging, and to give you an idea of the ridiculousness my novel has taken, I will actually give allow you to read a section I wrote today. Remember (please) that the idea of NaNoWriMo is to keep writing and not go back looking for mistakes. You will also notice some of my obvious word padding that I haven't done in the past, but just seemed fitting with what I was doing today.

Doctor Williams left the foyer and the four of them just looked at each other. Whizzer was the only one that didn’t look terrified.
“Let’s take some photos and bag some evidence!” he said quietly.
“Don’t be stupid, Whiz,” Lace warned, “you aren’t in one of your crime shows now. This is real. You aren’t properly trained for that, and neither are any of the rest of us. I also don’t like the idea of standing here taking pictures when the girl is out there somewhere in danger.”
“Agreed,” Jake and Rager said at the same time, so I wouldn’t have to think of two random things for them each to say.

I also agree with what Lace said, and rather than spend a lot of time trying to create a believable mystery with clues and suspense when I am behind in my word count, I’ll skip to them finding the kidnapper.

Jenkins, or at least someone that looked like Jenkins stood in the field. They could seem him clearly as they cleared the woods at the base of the mountain. Though the field was surrounded by trees, the landscape was barren save for the recently plowed and tilled earth beneath their feet. The girl shook nervously with the knife at her throat. The man pointed a gun in the general direction of the crew.
Jake stepped closer, the man pointed the gun at him.
“I can take him,” Lace advised.
“I know,” Jake replied, “but then we won’t get the answer we need. Damus said we need to solve the mystery to save Melvin. Are you Jenkins?”
“Yes, of course I am!” Jenkins shouted, spittle flying from his angry mouth. “I want you to leave, or I’m going to kill the girl.”
Moron,” Rager said, holding his far-too-large for this situation gun pointed at Jenkins, “We’d just kill you. Why would you do that?”
“Aren’t you going to kill me anyway?”
“We aren’t planning on it,” assured Jake, “but we need to know why you took the girl. Was it just for the money?”
“Of course it was for the money,” Jenkins started to explain for no reason like the criminals always do in detective shows, “I was tired of serving other people. We had had enough of being poor with no future.”
“We?” Whizzer asked stupidly, as I need to make sure it’s obvious that he belongs in this seen.
“Yes, my brother and I. We were twins.”
“Why’d you kill him then?” Lace asked, looking through the scope of her rifle. She was also disappointed, as the magical and scifi elements of the novel thus far could have lead to something much more interesting and X-Files-esque than a boring, ordinary murder.
“He was going to die anyway. He had in inoperable tumor. They told him he only had about two months to live. This was his chance to give me a way to make my fortune, if we couldn’t both live, than at least one of us could live well. We’d spent the last couple weeks taking turns being me. It wasn’t difficult; we’ve been pretending to be each other as a joke since we were children.”
“Well, all that was exciting,” Lace commented, “murder solved, now?”
“Not yet,” Jake directed, “there are still more details to be answered.”
“Why?” asked Rager, who was the type of person to be content by the lame answers given by the series finale of Lost. OK, that’s not true, he more likely would’ve been the type to get angry and smash the television because none of it made any sense. Rager would likely have smashed in Jenkins the same way, but Jake cautioned him not to.
“No,” Jake warned, “we still need to find out the details of how it was done. In all the crime shows and movies we get a flashback scene showing the details. Clearly we need one now.”
“Fine,” Jenkins acquiesced, “I’ll describe it exactly. My brother and I had been sending the notes. We took turns leaving the mansion undetected. It wasn’t difficult. We were careful to leave no prints on any of the notes we created and sent. We didn’t even make them in the mansion, we had a motel room that we rented by paying cash. We always went in disguise. We really had thought things out quite thoroughly,” he commented proudly. “We had hoped to set up a way to prevent the actual kidnapping. This really has become much more difficult than it should have,” he said, gun shaking.
“Get on with it,” Jake warned with a knowing motion of the head to Rager and Lace whose guns were still pointed at Jenkins.
“Right, where was I? Oh, yes! Our plan had been to somehow make the money drop off a preventative measure. We had a grand idea of encouraging Doctor Williams to have him send an employee with the cash. There was no one more trusted on staff than I, especially as I’ve been with the family the longest. It would have been very unlikely the good doctor would have questioned my loyalty. He probably would’ve been quite concerned when I disappeared as well, perhaps even informing the authorities to come search for me. Meanwhile, my brother and I would have been long gone to a tropical beach somewhere, enjoying what time we had left to each other.”
“What happened?” Whizzer asked, to remind us all that he is still at the scene, even though at this point he doesn’t really serve much purpose, and it is difficult write dialog for four people interrogating one man.
“You happened!” Jenkins shouted spitefully, “You happened. Professionals that came in and seemed to know what they were doing. The increased security made things difficult enough, but then you all showed up. We knew it wouldn’t be as easy to execute our original plan with you around, so we adjusted accordingly. We knew the security cameras and setup well enough, so we made it look as though I had been coerced into bringing the girl to save her father. I would have still looked loyal. Then, I had to shoot my brother so that no one would follow me. With Jenkins dead, the location of the girl was unknown and they would have to deal with the kidnappers!”
“It would have worked too--” Whizzer started.
“Don’t,” Jake warned. “Is that all?” he asked of Jenkins.
“Yes, except for how you’re going to let me go to protect the girl. I will send instructions on how you will be bringing me my money, getting the girl back, and ensuring that I get out of the country safely. Don’t follow me, or will hurt her bit by bit until you stop.”
“Lace, now,” Jake said.
The bullet was in Jenkins head, and Rager had his arms around the girl before the butler dropped. He picked the crying child up in his arms as easily as he would a doll. Lace went over to help comfort her.
“Did you get that?” Jake asked of Whizzer.
“Of course,” he said, proud that now there was actually a reason for him to be in this scene, “I got video and a separate high quality audio. It should be really good. I’ll make copies for our files, as well as the officials, and even the doctor if he wants one.”

Friday, November 18, 2011

Days 18 & 19!

Well, it wouldn't be NaNoWriMo without me having some sort of technical glitch. Yesterday, I spent a long time getting the writing done for the guest blog submission. As I went to send the submission in an email, it wouldn't attach. From the time I opened up the email to compose to the minute afterward when I tried to attach the file, my internet stopped working. I tried restarting the computer. I tried turning it off and on again. I tried talking nicely to my computer and internet. Then I tried yelling and threatening my computer and internet. I tried adjusting my firewall that had just updated. For over 2 hours I tried. Nothing, nothing worked. This morning, still nothing. I took my computer into work, and found that it does work and can pick up the internet. I'm now back home and the internet is magically working again! Knock on wood it will remain working at least until the end of the month.

That having been said, now you will understand why I didn't post yesterday and why I'll have to take 2 dares today. I also need to catch back up on my word count. I'm hoping to push and pad to get ahead this weekend, because the next 2 weeks at work will be very busy.

Speaking of busy, I better get started, so I need to talk about today's dare(s) of the day.

The first dare is from the Humor, Satire, & Parody dares thread:

Bright green ninja cows
BP: with radioactive axes

Awesome! Perhaps I will add a radioactive ninja cow anytime I get bored.

The second dare, well, it happened again. The most recent post in the SciFi dare thread happened to be my own. The one before mine was the dare I accepted last time. The SciFi writers don't seem to be quite as dare-ing as I had hoped. I've decided to take my own dare this time, though I hope not to make a habit of it. Perhaps if it happens again I will go with the first dare of the thread. My dare was this:

Have your main character bounce a rubber ball against a wall any time s/he is stressed.
BP if the ball lights up. 
TBP if the ball also makes loud noises or music every time it bounces. 
QBP if during a critical hiding, chase, or fight scene, this is the hero's downfall. 
Cookies if the ball turns out to be a disguised robot or weapon that helps to save the day.

Which just adds to the fun of what's going on. I'm really thinking that I will be going a bit crazy with my writing for the rest of the month. I'll basically be writing a detailed outline with snippets of scenes to get all of these dares in. I'll probably be breaking down the wall and adding personal comments as well. I just need to have fun and roll with it. Hopefully the words will just start pouring out.

A day behind at the moment, so I better get writing!

P.S. How are you doing?

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Day 17!

Over the last day I:
Wrote over 1,000 words
Offered to write a submission for someone else's blog (I'll post a link later if it gets accepted)
Had lunch with friends
Enjoyed a short walk in the warmer weather while it is still here
Did a little self-promotion on the NaNoWriMo site
Gained a new follower =)
Made a slightly scary choice

It's that choice that I want to talk about. I'm getting bored with my novel. I have a lot of dares to cover. What to do?

I think I'm going to attempt doing what so many other writers do, and what other writers have recommended. I'm going to skip to the good parts. Sounds great, right? So, why am I scared to make such a decision?

I think I've written before about the fact that I tend to write from beginning to end. I make logical steps (at least they seem so at the time) to get from one scene to another and one chapter to the next. (OK, I don't write in chapters, but I'm rolling now, so let me go with it) I try to make sure that there are no plot holes. I try to see my characters grow and change. As I need new characters I add them. As I need a way to help my characters out, I try to base it on information from earlier parts of the novel. If that doesn't work, I add something a bit deus ex machina style and make a mental to note to add something earlier in the revisions so it won't seem so out of place.

Today, though, I will make that first leap into writing the best scenes and hoping to fill in the gaps and connect the dots later. It will start with this line: Jake reunites with his friends, catches them up on all that has happened over the past few months, then other stuff happens and they end up outside of a country mansion.

This will lead right into one of the dares, which I will probably rush through to try to get to the others.

Speaking of dares, today's was posted by Laura the Explorer in Romance Dares:
I actually used this in one of my previous novels (although it wasn't a romance):

-Have a character sneeze just as they're going in for a kiss the first time.

Perhaps I will add a goofy love interest today, just to make sure I have this dare covered.

Scared, nervous, and excited all at the same time; better get writing!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Day 16 Dare!

I feel like I've used exclamation marks more this month than ever before in my life! (see, there's another one! (and another!)) Perhaps it is just the excitement of NaNoWriMo, or the number of times I wish another writer good luck on their writing. Does being positive and encouraging require exclamation marks?

I did not reach the halfway point last night. I first made the mistake of turning on the television for a few minutes, and got trapped into watching As Good as it Gets...again. My computer was also moving very slowly last night. Doing one of those ridiculous 'waiting until I've typed 10 words to allow them to appear and tell me I've misspelled all the words in part do the computer lagging and not recognizing every keystroke' dances. I was frustrated, and I was tired. I let it all get to me. I even stopped 10 minutes before midnight knowing I was too far away to reach the goal of the day.

That is what I call a low point.

The good news is I'm back again for another day! (There it is again! (Does blogging require exclamation marks?)) I'm starting a bit earlier tonight, so hopefully I can catch back up or at the least get the 1,667 for the day.

Today's dare comes from the Mystery Dares thread:


Include this twist on the angel of mercy type killer: Killer targets people who are the cause of suffering rather than those who suffer.

BP - killer was once a bully or other cause of suffering in others.

DBP - The killer decides those of wealth cause others suffering.

TBP - If the killer is filthy rich.

QBP - Killer realizes he is a living inconsistency in his mission, decides to kill himself , and fails.

Infinite points - If the killer, having failed in his suicide attempt, is then murdered by someone unrelated to his own killing spree. (An opening for a whole new novel!)

--posted by stepensdemise

I could use this as an interesting side story. This is one of those frustrating times when I've come across something that I feel could be its own story easily. I'll try to use it, but if it doesn't work in revision it may very well become its own story. Another notable dare that I saw, but wasn't the most recent, involved cute zombie plant eating animals. Perhaps it is my love of Monty Python, but I think zombie bunnies attacking would be terrific. (Should it be comedy or horror? I feel like it could work either way.) I'll bookmark the cute bunnies for something later. Or, possibly, I might at them when I run out of ideas in this novel.

For now, I better get writing!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Day 15!

(Just a point of interest, something went wrong as I tried to post this before, so I am now writing this for the second time.)

Day 15! Yes, it is the halfway point! With a bit of luck and dedication, I might make it to 25,000 words tonight!

I am both excited and frustrated to see my writing buddies soaring ahead of me in their word counts. I am glad to see that they are doing well, and to know that my encouragement, at least in a small way, has helped them to get where they are. It is frustrating as I don't like to be behind, as I am at the moment. I would prefer to be ahead of the daily goal. However, the frustration I'm feeling will hopefully help spur me on to catch up. Even when writing buddies are frustrating, they're still helpful, isn't it a wonderful thing?

Today's dare comes from the Horror & Supernatural Dares thread. Astrid indeed posted:

Leaving: Have a character talk about a defining childhood experience in which feral hunting dogs killed his cousin.
BP: He tracks them down and seeks revenge.
DBP: If he attempts to kill them with fire but fails.
TBP: If the account starts with the line "father told me the hounds had been sold to pay for mother's tombstone."
QBP: If he kills the dogs using only his hands and teeth.
Cookies: If he ends the accout with "and that's why I'm a vegetarian!"

Write a species that claims to come from the moon.
BP: If they actually do.
DBP: They photosythesise to circumvent the lack of nurtrients on the moon's surface and are somewhat translucent.
TBP: They treat sucrose like a drug.
QBP: They are the reason we don't send men to the moon anymore.
Cookies: Their shadows are parasitic independant creatures that would kill a human host outright.

Two dares in one post? I like the sound of the second one, though it does add to making my creatures even more complicated, elaborate, and a bit more crazy than they were before (and I have yet to write one into my novel...ack!). I better get to the creatures soon!

Question to you: do feel as there are two dares that I should do both? or just the second one as it is the most recent?

I will leave you to ponder that as I am off to do some writing!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Day 14 Dare

Nearly halfway there! I'm currently at 21, 557 words which is a bit behind. I hope to catch up soon. A good day could help me to catch up. I need to make sure I keep on task until I have that good day. I will keep the blogging today at a minimum to help with that.

Sarita153 left this post:
Have a magical bookshelf
Bonus points if it always gives out the wrong books
Double bonus points if people think it's giving them the right books and act accordingly
Triple points and a cookie if the wrong book saves the day

This is one of those fortuitous moments when I had a character trapped in a room with bookshelves yesterday, now I have a gimmick to help him get out which will actually be a bit more believable. It could add to some interesting things to write about until the escape. I've spent a long time on a character that isn't my MC. Perhaps I've been focused on the wrong character before now?

Better get writing!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Day 13 Dare

Today's dare comes from someone that I think has more words posted in the forums, than officially in their novel. I also have a problem with it for another reason. It comes from the Adventure Dares, 2011 thread:


*No cussing
(including the words damn, shit, ass, and hell, unless you're using damn as condemn and/or shit as poop and/or ass as a type of donkey and/or hell as a place [because those are the original meanings])
**No sexual references in your book
(obviously short kisses are acceptable, as is holding hands, et cetra)
***You must include a place with rainbows + daisies, and/or a unicorn + fairies, and/or a chocolate fountain + leprechaun somewhere in your book.

This causes a problem as I already have a couple swear words in the book. I don't use a lot of profanity, but a couple of times this novel I have. I think in revision, I could perhaps alter this to do the first part of the dare. I'm still somewhat safe on dare ++. Dare +++, that one is definitely doable. I won't do the first one at this point because it would require me to go back and delete/change words which will take time. I have precious little of that at the moment, so I will fail part one but possibly achieve parts 2 and 3. 

Better get writing!

Unclogging the Drain

Ever have a clogged up sink in the bathroom? Not one that is so blocked, but a slow clog that allows water to drain slowly. Until the clog is removed, you can continue to use the sink. It can get fairly disgusting, with bits of things floating in the water. It can get tricky because if you try to use the sink two consecutive times too quickly, you might let water and all those disgusting things in it float over the edge onto counter tops or the floor.

Writing can feel like that sometimes for me. I keep writing the story. Just so you know, I tend to write stories in a strict chronological order. I do occasionally have backstory, but that comes when it is needed in the story. I write from beginning to end. I don't usually skip to writing the good parts.

 I like this for a number of reasons. I get to build up the character and plot developments in what, to me, feel like logical movements. I tend to have less plot holes, especially large ones, because each stage in the story is somehow connected to the stage before it. I feel like my characters get to grow as I write, and I learn a little more each day about who my characters are, and that just seems right to me as I want my characters to grow throughout the story.

The problem is sometimes I end up with a clogged drain. The story moves very slowly. There are lots of random bits, which feel disgusting, that keep popping up and I have to deal with them until the story moves beyond them. When I can't think of what comes next I start adding things like overly elaborate descriptions of setting to keep moving. I might also add random, and what are very likely unnecessary, characters and events just to feel like the story is progressing at least a minuscule amount. However, those things can really feel like they are just clogging the story and making it move even slower. I could be stuck at a decision point, like I was with my previous post. I slept on it, woke up this morning, started my day, and then it happened. The drain unclogged.

During part of my morning routine, things just started coming to me. Answers to my questions, connections I hadn't seen before. There isn't an ending yet, but I know how to use one of the dares to explain some of my character's motivation (or lack thereof, really). I've decided Marcus is a villain, but not the villain. A guild civil war is likely to ensue. Scenes for how to use a couple other dares came to me. It's a different way for this story to go than I had planned, or towards the way I was writing it. Some of the elements or scenes I thought I might use earlier will not be. That is okay.

Sometimes, I have to face a very hard truth. I was the clog. As I kept trying to force the story to go the way I thought it should, it just wasn't flowing. I was writing only knowing the next paragraph, sentence, or sometimes even just the next word. That is when things are sluggish, and that is when it is difficult to keep going. It is so much easier to watch a movie, turn on the television, or open a book. Those stories are finished. I don't have to think about the next step. However, with moments like the clog being swept away and my mind feeling clearer. Seeing the future (of my novel) is a wondrous thing. I feel lighter and happier today just because of it. This surely must be one of the things that keeps writers writing.

Have you ever felt the unclogging of your drain?

Caught in the Action

Yes, I am caught in the action. By that I mean I am right there, in the action, with one of my characters. With this post I want to give just a bit of a taste of what it is like when I write.

I've just finished writing the dare about a shop that doesn't have what it should, and the character going up the ladder of employees and getting more frustrated with each step. It ended with someone he knows owning the shop. The person (Marcus) takes my character (Melvin) into a secret room, which seems nice as it gets Melvin out of an awkward situation.

However, something seems wrong. This is not just to Melvin, but also to me as I am seeing things through his eyes. The room seems very out of the norm for Marcus and he has started to say some odd things. Yes I wrote them, but sometimes these words just seem to come from the character as though I am watching the story on a screen inside my mind. In addition, writing at the pace of NaNoWriMo, things can just seem to start appearing on the page, especially when on a roll.

That's where I am, but not where I'm going.

To decide where the story will go next will...well, means that I need to make a decision. They are both magicians. That leaves many options. Let's start with Marcus turning out to be evil:
1. Marcus turns Melvin to the dark side.
2. Melvin refuses and gets trapped in the room.
3. Melvin refuses and there is a terrific magical duel.

Marcus is good:
1. That likely means the guild is evil and Marcus will ask for Melvin's help in taking them down.
2. Marcus wants Melvin's help, but Melvin has other things to deal with.
3. Melvin doesn't believe Marcus, and will try to stop his plans.

There are an infinite number of options, these are just some of the ones I feel are most likely at this point. Sometimes, thinking about options just isn't necessary, as the story feels right and just seems to flow out. Other times it is just like this case. There are many possible options to the future of the scene and story. It's kind of like when I try to predict what will happen when reading, or when I start to think about how the story I'm reading could have gone differently. Except that in this case, I get to make that choice, and if I don't like it I can do it differently later. I tend to base these kind of solutions on what I feel are right, having looked ahead at how the outcome of the scene could branch out into and affect the rest of the novel. When really stumped, I take some time away, which is what I'll do now. Then when I wake up tomorrow I will make a decision and go with it. That is a big part of the beauty of a rough draft; I know that I can redo the whole scene later or even get rid of it. For now, the next lines just need to be written.

Day 12 dilemma

I had to go to a meeting early today. I just got back now at around 6 PM and am supposed to be meeting my friends to go out to dinner to celebrate my friend's birthday. This is one of those times in the month that is the most difficult. I haven't had time to write, I've been at the daily goal all month but now it looks like I won't unless I go late and skip the dinner or leave early and skip the fun afterward. My writing has been getting in the way of my life, and now my life is getting in the way of my writing.

My compromise: I will write 20 minutes now, get what I can done and catch up tomorrow. It will be sad to see that I fell below the goal line for the day, but I want to spend some good time out with friends. A light day and good time out away from my novel might give me a good burst of energy tomorrow. I hope so.

Today's depressing dare of the day comes from the SciFi dare thread:

Have a character with Anosognosia (she's partally paralyzed, but unaware of the fact that she's paralyzed.)
Posted by Owlor

I guess now I know some of the tragic past my main character is dealing with. Plus, I got to learn a new vocabulary word, which is always good. 

20 minutes of writing here I come!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Day 11 Dare

Yes, hooray for 11/11/11 day. The day when it doesn't matter what country you are from when you write the date. Month first, day doesn't matter today! As I am writing this in South Korea, it is also Pepero day. This is a day for buying a special snack, and giving it to people. You can read about it here. (Go towards the bottom for English) Or, better yet, check out the news story my friends did about it here!

This is also my friend's birthday, and 2 the day before. It will be a busy weekend of celebration. Hopefully I will be able to keep up with the writing. I think this is the longest I've been able to stay ahead of the day's total word count goal. Only time will tell.

Today's dare comes from the Humor, Satire, and Parody Dares thread. creatively_inclined posted:
Have a character with an obsession with rubber ducks. 

BP If this obsession gets in the way of important scenes, when he sees a rubber duck he just HAS to have and gets a little side tracked. 
DBP If someone uses his obsession against him, i.e. kidnapping his rubber ducks and holding them for ransom. 
TBP if the character with the obsession is otherwise evil and heartless.

Which is again the only dare since I last posted. Hopefully with some week 2 struggles people will feel more inclined to dare soon. Either way, I feel as though by the time I finally introduce the villain, it is going to be a very quirky scene!

Time to be off to finish the scene when a magician is mad that a magic shop doesn't sell and real magical supplies (and start thinking about a rubber duck obsessed character too). There's only a short time before I'm supposed to be meeting friends for dinner. Better get writing!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Dare Problem I really didn't think this would be a problem. Today's dare of the day was meant to come from the Mystery Dares thread, however, the last dare (not post) was from me. I suppose I could do the dare, but I'm in a bit of a quandary here. This was the dare I left:
The mystery also involves a cold case from 20 years earlier.
BP if the victims are somehow related.
DBP if the murderer is also related.
TBP if the detective is also related. 
QBP if they had all been in a room together 20 years earlier, but none of them knew each other. 

Which, I think is a good dare. I could find a way to use it. However, the post below mine says:

Omg. Thank you. I'm so taking. This will definitely give my story the push it needs to not only get finished, but to make it over the 50k mark as well. Thank you (:

So, with that post, I now feel bad if I try to take the dare as well. I mean, look how happy it made that other writer! (which in turn, made me feel pretty happy) 

My decision was then to move on to the Romance Dares. Those of you that have been following this blog for the past few days might remember that I had to start that thread. Well, it currently has 16 posts since my original. That also feels pretty good, as dares have been left and taken in that time. The most recent dare was taken by someone else. It is possible for more than one person to take a dare, so I will do that in the Romance Dares thread (seeing as I had to pass by this one before). 

Therefore, I will be taking this dare from the Romance Dares thread posted by Alex Hamilton-Jefferson:


Have a character become completely infatuated by another character's accent... only to find out that it's fake.

Just so you know, I did check to see if there were three separate dares threads in the Mystery, Suspense, and Thriller, but sadly there was only one. I really didn't think lack of dares would be the problem when I set up this idea. It's not that there aren't dares, it's that there aren't new ones, as I am trying to use the most recent in the forum (but trying to not let that be one of mine). 

Dare chosen, better get writing!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


I made it beyond today's goal of 15K, and made it just beyond today's word count goal. I ended up writing 1,747 words in an hour and half. That is how things can work when I can keep writing steadily and have an idea of what I'm doing. It isn't always that fast. I do think it is also important to note that speed is about as fast as I can go. Better typists, or writers, could do it even faster.

Why I'm writing this isn't to brag. In fact, it is just the opposite. I want you to realize that I'm not particularly fast, yet I can sometimes write 1,700 words in an hour and a half. That should show that anyone could do this. Imagine how you could alter part of your day to write for an hour and a half. It is possible, and something to consider next November, or for script writing during Script Frenzy, or just anytime you want to get a large project like this accomplished. It's fun to do in November when everyone else is joining in, but you could do this any month you choose!

Whatever your creative ambitions, I wish you luck! As for me, time to go to bed. Maybe tomorrow I could reach my daily word count goal without having to do a rush right until midnight!

Day 9 Dare

Today's dare of the day is from the Horror and Supernatural Dares thread. KCunningham16 posted:
Dare: Have the main character shout "look a distraction!" in the middle of an intense scene.

Bonus: They look

Double bonus: Lives are saved.

I guess this means there will be a lot more comedy than I expected to my novel. I think that's fine, but best I start rolling with it now! 

As a point of interest, I noticed that one of the dares that I left earlier was accepted by someone else from Ohio. NaNoWriMo can make the world feel smaller at times. =)

I made it to 14,205 words yesterday. The goal for today is at least 15,000. I better get writing!

The Dare Machine

No, I'm not talking about me. I just found out from NaNoWriMo's most recent pep talk that the Young Writer's Program has a Dare Machine on its website. Check it out for a bit of interesting fun. I've always found the Plot Machine on the Script Frenzy site to be particularly entertaining as well.

Before I get to today's dare, it has occurred to me through a friend that some of the acronyms I put on here may not be common knowledge. Trust me, after one NaNo, most of them will be very clear to anyone that gets involved in the forums. For those new, and those that haven't really looked at the NaNoWriMo site, here are some things to know:
IE=Inner Editor (that voice in our head that tells us to stop writing and make things better) We are supposed to ignore them for the month

MC= Main Character (MMC=male main character, fmc=female main character)

BP, DBP, TBP= bonus points, double bonus points, triple bonus points

cookies= the reward for putting in the most challenging aspect of a dare, one the poster thinks no one can really use (or they really want to see make it into someone's novel)

All the points are imaginary, of course. I (sadly) won't actually get cookies when I put the difficult dares in my novel. It does allow the poster to leave easier versions of a dare and ramp up to some pretty ridiculous stuff.

Feel free to ask in the comments if something I post isn't clear. Chances are, if it isn't clear to you, there are others that aren't understanding it either. By the way, you can check out the forums for some good laughs and to further see what this month is like for the writers attempting it. You just won't be able to comment unless you sign up.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Day 8 Dare

Hello, and welcome to week 2! Normally this is a pretty rough time, as this is the point when beginnings and excitement are over and the middle takes over. For me, this is usually the point when I have a very vague idea of where I'm going, but no idea of how to get my characters there. Luckily, this time I have a few more characters to play with, and daily dares to spur me on should I become really stumped.

Speaking of which, the dare of the day comes from the Fantasy Dares 2011 thread, and was posted by DarkCoffeeJazz:

Have the MC introduce himself to a character in the format of "Bond, James Bond", using his own name.

BP if he's from Earth and the other is not.
DBP if the non-Earth resident gets the reference.
TBP if the MC actually introduces himself as James Bond.

Oh sorry, I mixed up the DBP and TBP lines. Just, yeah, switch those around.
*casually ignores his own mistakes~*

I think that this will be another good one to do for me. Just need to add something/someone from another world. Well, I wasn't planning to have pop culture references in my novel, but that's two dares now involving them. At least they are ones I know well and can use easily. 

With this being day 8, that means I have had 8 dares to keep track of. For those of you keeping track: I've used the debating about salt types, the whiffle bat, and the Doctor Who quotes. I refrained to using 2 thus far, but at this rate, if pop culture references become important to a character there may be more. I also found the original posting for the first Fantasy dare, which had an additional dare of a blind, ranting seer. I've added him as well. That's 3 out of 8 thus far, with ideas of how to use most of the others, but later in the novel. 

With that in mind, I better get writing!

Monday, November 7, 2011


A push right up until midnight, but I did get my 1,667 words in today. That is helping me to keep almost  a day ahead. It feels pretty good to know that I've been able to stay ahead so far. I hope to keep that up. For those of you that may be falling behind, don't lose heart! I've been there before, and come back from it before. I've seen some of my writing buddies in the past pull off some amazing comebacks.

By the way, I'd recommend trying to catch up earlier than a dramatic comeback at that end. (though when it comes to deadline time, I'll be encouraging anyone to try for the win)

Off to sleep. Tomorrow I already have a plan to start by focusing on one of the dares I've been waiting to use.

Day 7 Dare

Today's dare of the day comes from the Adventures Dares, 2011 thread in the Adventures Forum. Roecourt posted:

Have one of your characters beat another one liberally around the head and shoulders with a whiffle bat.

It won't be logical, but I think adding it to the story could be easy to do. In fact, I might try to add it today. I wanted to do a week one roundup, but as it is still week one (and it's late, and I haven't started writing yet), I plan to do that tomorrow. I'll try and some up what week one has been like and write about the dares I've been able to use so far. 

As a side note, there was only one dare added since my last trip to the Adventures forum. At this rate, I might very well end up doing my own dares. Perhaps I should start to leave easier ones...

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Falling short

I only wrote a little over 1,200 words today. My goal for the weekend, actually my dream goal, was to get ten thousand words ahead of schedule. I had no set plans at all. I was going to take a weekend to just write and get ahead. I would have a buffer of buffers, one that I couldn't ruin no matter what I did (it was a dream goal). Then Friday I went out. Saturday I kept putting off the writing and got caught up doing other things (nothing productive, of course). I did pull off a decent day in the end on Saturday, and thought it would give me the momentum to have an incredible Sunday. It didn't. I just couldn't seem to get started today. Again, I was too distracted. The question would then be, why?

Well, the short answer is: writing is hard.

Not always, but it can be. That's the bad: writing is hard. If writing were easy, everyone would be authors happily writing amazing prose and poems until they were forced to sleep. That's not the case, though. So, when after 10,000 words and author (ok, me) feels like this is some of the worst writing he's done and there's no future beyond the next tiny scene he has in mind, it gets really hard to get back into the writing mood. That's part of the reason I have so many just-started short stories in my past. When the words aren't coming and the ideas feel forced, it makes me question why I'm bothering. That's the bad.

The good: it isn't always like that. Last year, I went through a similar situation. I ended up sending my characters to places I'd traveled, and used overly specific scene description to pad my word count. This continued on and on. Then, somewhere around the 30K mark it all started to come together and a future and purpose for the story created itself. Each story goes through that phase for me, and each time something comes out of it at the end.

The tip: if you get in that mood, just keep writing. At the same time, don't make the mistake I made this weekend. I got so focused on trying to push ahead in word count, that I forgot it was about the writing. I sat not doing the writing, not leaving so I could do the writing, and feeling guilty that the writing wasn't getting done. I went out tonight. I took a break from my apartment and writing. I came back and wrote about a thousand words in 40 minutes straight. What's important is that I came back to the writing. I'm still not sure if this story will truly go anywhere, but I'm trying. That's the most important aspect to writing for me, that I actually do it.

talking guns?

Well, yes, because the dare of the day comes from the Offical Sci-Fi Dares thread. Zhopia posted this dare:

Dare: MC has a gun with a full AI
BP: the gun chats with the MC and plays an active role in the story
DBP: the gun regards the MC with contempt
TBP: the MC tries to "program" his/her gun
QBP: the MC fails

I hadn't planned for this, but with the setup I have going so far, it shouldn't be too hard to add this gun. Having it talk could be fun, as well! As for the dares as a whole, they are starting to stack up. I have plans for how I'm going to use them, but I think I'm going to have to start adding them in some way as I take them, or they will all com true in the novel at the end! 

Off to keep writing!

Saturday, November 5, 2011


So, I've hit the 10K mark on day 5. That puts me one day ahead of schedule. Though as it is after midnight that means I'm really just on schedule now. How quickly the NaNoWriMo world moves! I wrote over three thousand words today. That is not quite what I had hoped for, but it does put me back on track.

I definitely need to start working ahead on the word count this time, as I'm sure to be busy during a couple days next week. That is definitely something I've learned over the past couple years. When doing a project like this, knowing how to work around the busiest days is extremely important.

Time to get some sleep so I can try to do the same tomorrow!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Ah, Saturday!

Today is a day with no real plans...outside of writing. Hopefully I will get a bit ahead today. Yesterday (Friday, November 4) I finished writing with a total of 7,005 words. That is a decent total, but that means I wrote less than 900 words and I've lost my buffer. I went out with friends and had a good time, but now I need to focus and try to get ahead again.

My dare of the day was supposed to be from the Romance forum. Apparently, there is no Romance Dares thread. Well, there is now, as I created it. Hopefully some writers will notice it and add to it, or I will be doing my own dare that I left a week from now. With that being the case, I've decided to move to the next genre on the list which is the Satire, Humor, and Parody forum. I'll just check it now...

Put this randomly into your story:

- Someone goes to a curtain shop (or some other shop) but the curtain shop sells carpets. The guy who goes gets really angry at the person at the pay desk. The person at the pay desk then calls their manager, who then calls their manager, who then calls their manager and so on. The person, in retrospect... should get quite tempermental.

That should be easy enough. I doubt very much that it will be a curtain shop, though. Probably a magic shop that doesn't sell real magical items.

As a bonus note, I've decided to write a personal message to the people I've taken the dares from. They are short, but basically explain what I'm trying to do with this novel. So far I've been getting very positive responses, which is what I love about NaNoWriMo. It is a very positive experience. It is a community trying to help and encourage each other. One of them even commented that my message made their day, which in turn made mine. I may not come out of this with a workable novel, but I might come out of it with a more positive attitude and feeling about the world, which I think is far more important.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Feeling better!

I finally had a decent night's rest, so I am feeling a bit more energetic than last night. I think it is more the eye strain from typing on the computer than actually being tired. It's also the weekend, which means a bit more free time...that I should be using to write, of course! (There definitely seems to be a bit of guilt that goes along with NaNoWriMo for me.)

The dare of the day comes from the Murder, Thriller, and Suspense forum:
I dare you to make your victim have an identical twin. For simplicity's sake, Twin A and Twin B.

BP if Twin B places an important role in the case.
DBP if Twin B is the actual victim but the cops think that it's Twin A.
TBP if Twin B and Twin A switched places on purpose.
QBP if Twin A is actually the murderer.
5BP if Twin A is a butler.

I guess I'm about to have twins! Perhaps cops as well, which I hadn't thought about. It is at this point that I start to feel the novel beginning to run away with me. I better go catch up!


When the goal is to hit 5,000 for the day, and I get past 6,000 that feels pretty good. Whenever I give tips to people new to the NaNoWriMo experience, one of them is always to build a buffer. There will be days when creatively it will be difficult to get the 1,667. There will be days when time will be an issue. There could be (though hopefully never again) 3 days when a computer crashes and writing by hand in a notebook (so much slower!) becomes necessary. That happened to me during my first NaNoWriMo. My writing really lagged for 3 days. It's also a good time to remind everyone to back up their novel, on a usb and/or emailing it to themselves.

Back to the point, it feels good to have gone a bit above my goal each day for the first 3 days. That helps to build confidence in me and it reminds me that I can do this.

What doesn't feel good? I'm tired. I've ended up staying up later writing than planned, waking up early for no reason, then only being half asleep until my alarm goes up each day. That's why I'm going to bed after I finish this. It's time for some sleep. Then the plan is to use this weekend to build an even bigger buffer!

Tomorrow's dare comes from the Mystery, Thriller, and Suspense thread.


Well, I don't think I could have made an easier dare for myself! The dare posted by Wolfwriter in the Horror and Supernatural Dares 2011 thread was:

I dare you to include a Doctor Who reference out of nowhere, just to get back at the Sci-Fi writers. Yes, we have a rivalry with them now. :3 A Doctor-ish catchphrase, (ELLO SWEETY... ALLONS-Y! XD) a blue telephone box, some kind of "sonic screwdriver" reference... anything. :D They won't even see it coming.

Considering that I have just finished watching all the Doctor Who episodes from 2005 to present, this is perfect. I think the hardest part about this dare will be to stop once I've started. Thank you, Horror and Supernatural dare thread! 

Well, as I've procrastinated quite a bit tonight, I had better get back to writing. Allons-y!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


That is the total word count so far.

A friend of mine asked me what my stumbling points were when writing. She's having a bit of trouble turning off that inner editor. For me, that's not as much of a problem. My real problem comes later when I need to turn it back on. I find this kind of rush to get it written and plan to fix it later very freeing. At first it was difficult for me, but knowing I don't need to get every sentence perfect liberates me to just get the idea down, which is essentially the point of the rough draft anyway. My extremely major stumbling point seems to be turning that inner editor back on again later to do revision, as I haven't done much of that yet.

For me, I have 2 major stumbling points when writing a rough draft: when I have no ideas, and when I have too many ideas. No ideas can be tough. I don't feel that it is necessary writer's block, just uncertainty. I don't know what is going to happen next, and am uncertain what I should do to make the story progress. In this case I tend to start describing things to keep the word count flowing. I'll spend extra time on the setting, or a random character that may not even be important. Usually something comes up while I am writing. A great professor of mine used to tell me to keep writing and something would come out of it. I am very grateful for that advice because I find it to be true so often.

The other problem is too many ideas. I get frustrated if I know a lot of things that I want to happen in a story, and can't seem to get to all of them fast enough. Some people hop around, creating plot holes to fill in later. I tend to be a very linear thinker and try to write in chronological order. I hope to change that some day, but for now I feel it is working for me. However, it works best when I only have vague ideas of what I want to happen in the middle. For stories I've outlined more thoroughly, well....those are stories I still have yet to write to completion. The other aspect of too many ideas is when I have to choose between two ideas I feel are really great, but will take the story in very different directions. I fret, and I think, and I stop typing and watch something on youtube for a bit. Then I come back and fret, think, and do a Wembley impersonation all over again. Eventually I just need to choose one and go with it. If I don't like where it goes, I can change it later. What I can't do is change an empty page. It is difficult every time, EVERY TIME, but it is worth it. Once I go with the decision, my stress levels drop and the words flow again. For me, I need to get that decision out of the way in less than a day, or I'll just make it worse.

What do you stumble on?

Fantasy dare 1

Here is the dare of the day:

I dare you to use the line, "Wow, I bet no one's ever said THAT before."

Bonus points if someone else claims they HAVE said it before.
Double bonus points if it's already been said before in this book.

I dare you to have your character stand in a grocery store aisle debating whether to use kosher or sea salt in a magical ritual.

Both accepted. And several others filed away for future use!

     That last part makes me think that the dares came from earlier posts. I still feel that because this was in the most recent post of the thread, it is the one I should take. I'll look for the earlier posts later, as I need to get writing! I guess with that salt dare that means there will be a bit of magic in my novel. I'm okay with that.
      I'm just lucky the most recent dare wasn't the one that dared to use all previous posts. That would've been over 100 extra dares to have to fit into my story. I told you yesterday that I was a bit nervous about the fantasy dare thread. Now I think you can understand why. 

Horror and Supernatural dare tomorrow!