What now? (you might ask) Well, there are still 5 days left in the month. I am not finished with the novel (to have it feel really finished, I'm not even close). This has happened the last couple of years. I write so much to get to the ending I hit the 50K mark before the ending is written. This surprised me a little this year, as I thought my skipping ahead would lead to me getting right to the ending and then going back to flesh out the earlier stuff. That didn't seem to happen. In addition to needing an ending, I also still have dares left to fit in.
Here is my plan:
- Tomorrow, no writing. (this due to a very busy schedule, not because I hit 50K)
- Sunday, try writing the very end in a hasty fashion to at least have an ending of some kind.
- Additionally, try fitting in those leftover dares!
There is a lot more I want to say about the 50,000 mark, but I'm tired, have an early start tomorrow, and have typed a lot of words today so I will have to save that for another time.
To those of you that have crossed the line before me or with me, congratulations!
To those of you still left to get your 50,000, there is still plenty of time. So, you better get writing! (see you at the finish line soon!)
Well done! Good luck with finishing it off.