Speaking of which, the dare of the day comes from the Fantasy Dares 2011 thread, and was posted by DarkCoffeeJazz:
Have the MC introduce himself to a character in the format of "Bond, James Bond", using his own name.
BP if he's from Earth and the other is not.
DBP if the non-Earth resident gets the reference.
TBP if the MC actually introduces himself as James Bond.
BP if he's from Earth and the other is not.
DBP if the non-Earth resident gets the reference.
TBP if the MC actually introduces himself as James Bond.
Oh sorry, I mixed up the DBP and TBP lines. Just, yeah, switch those around.
*casually ignores his own mistakes~*
*casually ignores his own mistakes~*
I think that this will be another good one to do for me. Just need to add something/someone from another world. Well, I wasn't planning to have pop culture references in my novel, but that's two dares now involving them. At least they are ones I know well and can use easily.
With this being day 8, that means I have had 8 dares to keep track of. For those of you keeping track: I've used the debating about salt types, the whiffle bat, and the Doctor Who quotes. I refrained to using 2 thus far, but at this rate, if pop culture references become important to a character there may be more. I also found the original posting for the first Fantasy dare, which had an additional dare of a blind, ranting seer. I've added him as well. That's 3 out of 8 thus far, with ideas of how to use most of the others, but later in the novel.
With that in mind, I better get writing!
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