Friday, November 11, 2011

Day 11 Dare

Yes, hooray for 11/11/11 day. The day when it doesn't matter what country you are from when you write the date. Month first, day doesn't matter today! As I am writing this in South Korea, it is also Pepero day. This is a day for buying a special snack, and giving it to people. You can read about it here. (Go towards the bottom for English) Or, better yet, check out the news story my friends did about it here!

This is also my friend's birthday, and 2 the day before. It will be a busy weekend of celebration. Hopefully I will be able to keep up with the writing. I think this is the longest I've been able to stay ahead of the day's total word count goal. Only time will tell.

Today's dare comes from the Humor, Satire, and Parody Dares thread. creatively_inclined posted:
Have a character with an obsession with rubber ducks. 

BP If this obsession gets in the way of important scenes, when he sees a rubber duck he just HAS to have and gets a little side tracked. 
DBP If someone uses his obsession against him, i.e. kidnapping his rubber ducks and holding them for ransom. 
TBP if the character with the obsession is otherwise evil and heartless.

Which is again the only dare since I last posted. Hopefully with some week 2 struggles people will feel more inclined to dare soon. Either way, I feel as though by the time I finally introduce the villain, it is going to be a very quirky scene!

Time to be off to finish the scene when a magician is mad that a magic shop doesn't sell and real magical supplies (and start thinking about a rubber duck obsessed character too). There's only a short time before I'm supposed to be meeting friends for dinner. Better get writing!

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