Wednesday, November 9, 2011


I made it beyond today's goal of 15K, and made it just beyond today's word count goal. I ended up writing 1,747 words in an hour and half. That is how things can work when I can keep writing steadily and have an idea of what I'm doing. It isn't always that fast. I do think it is also important to note that speed is about as fast as I can go. Better typists, or writers, could do it even faster.

Why I'm writing this isn't to brag. In fact, it is just the opposite. I want you to realize that I'm not particularly fast, yet I can sometimes write 1,700 words in an hour and a half. That should show that anyone could do this. Imagine how you could alter part of your day to write for an hour and a half. It is possible, and something to consider next November, or for script writing during Script Frenzy, or just anytime you want to get a large project like this accomplished. It's fun to do in November when everyone else is joining in, but you could do this any month you choose!

Whatever your creative ambitions, I wish you luck! As for me, time to go to bed. Maybe tomorrow I could reach my daily word count goal without having to do a rush right until midnight!

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