Saturday, November 12, 2011

Day 12 dilemma

I had to go to a meeting early today. I just got back now at around 6 PM and am supposed to be meeting my friends to go out to dinner to celebrate my friend's birthday. This is one of those times in the month that is the most difficult. I haven't had time to write, I've been at the daily goal all month but now it looks like I won't unless I go late and skip the dinner or leave early and skip the fun afterward. My writing has been getting in the way of my life, and now my life is getting in the way of my writing.

My compromise: I will write 20 minutes now, get what I can done and catch up tomorrow. It will be sad to see that I fell below the goal line for the day, but I want to spend some good time out with friends. A light day and good time out away from my novel might give me a good burst of energy tomorrow. I hope so.

Today's depressing dare of the day comes from the SciFi dare thread:

Have a character with Anosognosia (she's partally paralyzed, but unaware of the fact that she's paralyzed.)
Posted by Owlor

I guess now I know some of the tragic past my main character is dealing with. Plus, I got to learn a new vocabulary word, which is always good. 

20 minutes of writing here I come!

1 comment:

  1. Some writing is better than none. There must be something about weekends...oh, yeah. They're weekends, and we're programmed to think we need to take breaks. :)

    No worries, you'll get back on track soon enough. And the dares have got to be keeping things interesting when you get stuck! This turned out to be a pretty fun project after all, huh?
