Tuesday, October 25, 2011

One week to go!

As I write this it is just after midnight. That means that it is exactly one week to go until NaNoWriMo!!

 I am excited, but feel bogged down with all the things I want to get done before the adventure begins. I have written down a long list of tasks to be accomplished. Most of them are things that, as I am a terrific procrastinator, should have been done long before. Giving myself the deadline of November 1st has given all those tasks a weight that is so tangible, at times I am sure I feel them on my shoulders. I'm constantly thinking I've got my list of tasks finished, then another comes to mind and I write it down.  I think, "well, washed the dishes I can knock that off the left shoulder," when 'don't forget to do laundry' comes along and hops on my right shoulder. Not all of the tasks are mundane, but things I want to do like buy plane tickets for my upcoming vacation and finish making my Halloween costume. The problem is just that all these tasks, whether fun or not, still take time, and there is little left before November 1.

To be honest, most of these things are on my list so that I can start NaNoWriMo somewhat unencumbered by all the things I feel I should be doing. If I wasn't pressuring myself for that, I wouldn't be feeling the tasks on my shoulders. (maybe I would, but they would be on a diet)

My question to you: What are you doing to get yourself ready?


  1. If I'm partially to blame for unearthing the list-writing monster in you, apologies are in order. But don't you now have a feeling of accomplishment??

    My pre-NaNo tasks this week include shredding more old bills than you can imagine and tackling about a month's worth of laundry. Or maybe I can get away with just one or two outfits throughout all of November? (The second one's for Thanksgiving.)

  2. Yes, Kim, but I think it is worthwhile to list. It helps to prevent me from doing all the wasted time trying to remember what I wanted to do, or do the unimportant things before the important ones. I think for the feeling of accomplishment I would also need to make a list of things I did do. Perhaps that could work?

    You can get away with one outfit for the month, if you plan to see no one for the entire month and never leave your home. Also, you will have to deal with the smell of them. Amazing how even our own smells can bother us after a while. =P
