Monday, October 31, 2011

All NaNos Eve!

I've bought a new notebook to try and keep up with all the details. My page on the NaNoWriMo website is updated. Cola is waiting in the fridge. My fridge and cupboard are stocked with at least a few days' worth of easy and quick foods to prepare. I can't seem to focus on much, as I am waiting for it all to start.

Well, it's sooooo close now! I am writing this with 2 hours to go until midnight.Excitement...nervousness...worry...anticipation...yeah that's all in there. And so much more! Those things will all be in the roller coaster that is writing a novel in a month. I've encouraged at least 3 people to join in for the adventure, which feels pretty good. The more people that try NaNoWriMo, the better it feels. Plus, that is more people to check up on me and make sure I'm keeping up with my word count.

I had a crazy thought today. As traditionally, November 1st is All Saints' Day, I wondered if NaNoWriMos are somehow saint-like. So, I looked around to see what actually makes a saint. There is a lot of info out there. Trust me. Just type in, "what makes a saint," into Google. There are a lot of hits with that exact phrase. One of the better explanations is this one. I thought that I could find similarities for this argument. After all, finishing a novel is like a miracle, right? But that logic just won't work because I have to be a bit honest.

For starters, there is a forum for erotic fiction writers. But, more than that, during NaNoWriMo we writers or perhaps I should just speak for myself, can be particularly selfish. The whole endeavor of writing takes over the month: dishes get put off longer than normal; clothes pile up; to do lists grow, and grow, and grow. All those good intentions a writer may have often get pushed back until word counts are caught up, or even ahead. We give a lot of ourselves: to our craft; to our characters; to our notes, plots, outlines; we'll donate to the OLL (the organization behind NaNoWriMo); and we'll gladly give time to other writers needing ideas, sympathy, or even a virtual kick in the pants. However, sometimes the other people in our lives don't see as much of us this month. Here's my take on that:

 Personally, I see this as my time to focus. This is my time to do what I want. I have a goal, and I intend to reach it. That does mean other things like reading, going out, and playing video games all take a much reduced portion in my life. Yet, even though I really enjoy those things, I find I really feel my best while writing and always have a big smile on my face when I cross that imaginary finish line. That's why I continue to do NaNoWriMo and Script Frenzy. That's why I've been able to win at both for the last two years. I hope that those I've encouraged to join in this year get to feel that as well.

A special thank-you goes to my friend Chazley, for getting me started on NaNoWriMo 2 years ago.

For another look into what life during NaNoWriMo can be like, check out the NaNoWriMo Song.

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