Monday, October 31, 2011

It begins!

I watched as the clock ticked down. I went straight to the forums. Adventure was first on the list (probably due to something crazy like alphabetical order) so that is where I stopped. The most recent post in the dare thread was from a couple days earlier by a member with a username of redsamurai. Here is the first dare destined to be part of my novel:

+ henchmen can do job and know there jobs
++ henchmen are plants by hero
+++ henchmen are double agents and are taking money from both sides
+++++ henchmen soo good they are the supervillans and using the named
villan as cover

I actually like that idea, though it will be tricky having intelligent henchmen. It could be fun though. At this point I'm thinking this might work out well. That's until I get to the fantasy dares. I've been around there for the last couple years, so I know what kinds of things they'll dare. 

I left this dare for someone to try:

+ A main character has to fight a large creature with a whip. 
++ The whip is covered in oil. (type of oil is up to you)
+++ The whip is abnormally short.
+++++ Each hit with the whip actually makes the creature more powerful in some way.

My word count is currently 0, so I better get some writing done before bed. Enjoy the first day and that rush of adrenaline that comes with a new story!

All NaNos Eve!

I've bought a new notebook to try and keep up with all the details. My page on the NaNoWriMo website is updated. Cola is waiting in the fridge. My fridge and cupboard are stocked with at least a few days' worth of easy and quick foods to prepare. I can't seem to focus on much, as I am waiting for it all to start.

Well, it's sooooo close now! I am writing this with 2 hours to go until midnight.Excitement...nervousness...worry...anticipation...yeah that's all in there. And so much more! Those things will all be in the roller coaster that is writing a novel in a month. I've encouraged at least 3 people to join in for the adventure, which feels pretty good. The more people that try NaNoWriMo, the better it feels. Plus, that is more people to check up on me and make sure I'm keeping up with my word count.

I had a crazy thought today. As traditionally, November 1st is All Saints' Day, I wondered if NaNoWriMos are somehow saint-like. So, I looked around to see what actually makes a saint. There is a lot of info out there. Trust me. Just type in, "what makes a saint," into Google. There are a lot of hits with that exact phrase. One of the better explanations is this one. I thought that I could find similarities for this argument. After all, finishing a novel is like a miracle, right? But that logic just won't work because I have to be a bit honest.

For starters, there is a forum for erotic fiction writers. But, more than that, during NaNoWriMo we writers or perhaps I should just speak for myself, can be particularly selfish. The whole endeavor of writing takes over the month: dishes get put off longer than normal; clothes pile up; to do lists grow, and grow, and grow. All those good intentions a writer may have often get pushed back until word counts are caught up, or even ahead. We give a lot of ourselves: to our craft; to our characters; to our notes, plots, outlines; we'll donate to the OLL (the organization behind NaNoWriMo); and we'll gladly give time to other writers needing ideas, sympathy, or even a virtual kick in the pants. However, sometimes the other people in our lives don't see as much of us this month. Here's my take on that:

 Personally, I see this as my time to focus. This is my time to do what I want. I have a goal, and I intend to reach it. That does mean other things like reading, going out, and playing video games all take a much reduced portion in my life. Yet, even though I really enjoy those things, I find I really feel my best while writing and always have a big smile on my face when I cross that imaginary finish line. That's why I continue to do NaNoWriMo and Script Frenzy. That's why I've been able to win at both for the last two years. I hope that those I've encouraged to join in this year get to feel that as well.

A special thank-you goes to my friend Chazley, for getting me started on NaNoWriMo 2 years ago.

For another look into what life during NaNoWriMo can be like, check out the NaNoWriMo Song.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

One week to go!

As I write this it is just after midnight. That means that it is exactly one week to go until NaNoWriMo!!

 I am excited, but feel bogged down with all the things I want to get done before the adventure begins. I have written down a long list of tasks to be accomplished. Most of them are things that, as I am a terrific procrastinator, should have been done long before. Giving myself the deadline of November 1st has given all those tasks a weight that is so tangible, at times I am sure I feel them on my shoulders. I'm constantly thinking I've got my list of tasks finished, then another comes to mind and I write it down.  I think, "well, washed the dishes I can knock that off the left shoulder," when 'don't forget to do laundry' comes along and hops on my right shoulder. Not all of the tasks are mundane, but things I want to do like buy plane tickets for my upcoming vacation and finish making my Halloween costume. The problem is just that all these tasks, whether fun or not, still take time, and there is little left before November 1.

To be honest, most of these things are on my list so that I can start NaNoWriMo somewhat unencumbered by all the things I feel I should be doing. If I wasn't pressuring myself for that, I wouldn't be feeling the tasks on my shoulders. (maybe I would, but they would be on a diet)

My question to you: What are you doing to get yourself ready?

Monday, October 17, 2011

2 Weeks!

Yes, that's right! My favorite holiday is only 2 weeks away! Halloween is upon us once again. The new great thing for me about Halloween is that it has a new meaning. Before, when All Hallow's Eve had passed it was a sad time. However, now that NaNoWriMo has become a part of my life, I have something to look forward to immediately following. By immediate I mean about 12:01 AM when I log in to the NaNo site and start writing. This is also a nice bonus, because I used to be really disappointed as a child when Halloween fell on a weeknight. After all, I wanted to have fun and get hopped up on sugar without wanting to worry about homework or getting up early the next day. Now, however, with my new November novel writing tradition, Halloween falling on a weekend meant I was usually out with friends and would only get a few words in before going to sleep. With Halloween falling on a Monday this year, it means that I can enjoy Halloween festivities the weekend before, and focus on my novel at 12:01 of November 1!

What are your Halloween plans? Are you ready for November 1st?

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The beginning! (Ok, pre-beginning)

If you've found this blog, likely it is because you were badgered into doing it by me. The alternative is that you found my novel description on the NaNoWriMo site and thought it sounded appealing. Either way, I'm glad to have you along for the ride.

Not much will be happening here on the blog until the end of October. But, from around October 30 things will be happening  here daily throughout November. My entries here will be short, because I'll have at least 1,667 words to write on my novel. However, please feel free to join me in my frustrations and joys as I try to take 28-30 random ideas from strangers and try to incorporate it all into 1 coherent (semi or semi-semi-coherent much more likely) story. Each day I will post my progress and the current dare of the day.

This will be good for those going through similar situations. (you are not alone!) For those not writing a novel in November, this will give you some very brief insight into what writing 50,000 words in a month is like. Hopefully you will enjoy what you see, and start to think about doing it yourself next year.

To those of you writing with me in November, bust of luck to us all! (we're going to need it)